Thursday, October 31, 2013

Role play and Dance Oct 31st.

Happy Halloween! Today was an exciting drama filled afternoon. The children had great fun making witches potions with coloured noodels, glitter, sequins and bugs. We pretended to make the potion and turn into different creatures. They kids loved playing in the rice box and using a variety of tools to cook and stir up different witches potions.

Monday, October 28, 2013


We enjoyed watching a cartoon which taught us some new mandarin words.

Story Book Art October 28

Welcome back everyone! 

I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing holiday over the half term. The children were very excited to see their friends and tell us about their holidays.

This week Ms. Sarah and I introduced different costume ideas for the upcoming holiday, Halloween. The children loved discussing what they were going to be or what they'd like to be.

We finished our Jack O'Lanterns and the children were very proud of their hard work. They made everything on their own and spent alot of time collaging. 

Till next week,
Ms. Amanda

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Role play and dance Oct. 17

Role play and and dance was filled with fun and exciting activities. The girls have had a great first term dressing up, singing, dancing and playing different types of role play games. Today we set up an office with telephones and paper and pretended to call our friends and take down any notes that they had. We also set up a kitchen table and cooked for eachother and threw a fun party wtith some delicious food. Some girls even called their friends to place and order for pizza. Finally we had the baby dolls and pretended to play mom while making sure our babies were healthy and taking them to the doctor. The girls had a great time and really enjoyed acting out a variety of roles. Have a great half term holiday and we will be looking forward to seeing you again Oct. 28th!

Thanks and have a fantastic half term break!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Story Book Art October 14

This week we read a big book about a little boy James who planted, grew and carved his own pumpkin. We talked about seeds and how they can be saved to grow another pumpkin or any other plant.

The children were then given a chance to practice their snipping skills. We cut three different types of paper to use for our pumpkin collage. We covered paper plates with our own cuttings and added some leaves and a stem. It was really nice to see the children be apart of this craft from start to finish. They were very proud that they did this all by themselves.

Ms. Amanda


In Mandarin Club we sang a song to help us learn. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Phonics 10th October - n!

This week we explored the n sound. 
We sang the n song and pretended to be aeroplanes making an nnnnn sound!
Later we thought about more things that started with n like nurse and ninja.

Role play and Dance Oct. 10

Role play and dance was a fun filled hair salon day. The children were fantastic at washing, combing and styling hair. After they did their friends hair and fixed themselves up they each got to make a doll. The children could decide whether their dolls hair was going to be long or short using scissors to trim it up. Everyone really enjoyed giving their doll a haircut. Take a look at some of the pictures we took.

Time for a bit of hairspray

A little bit of hair washing with shampoo

Girls testing out different products
Team effort!
Time to do some hairstyling

Time for a haircut
Very proud of her doll that she added on bangs!
Should I cut or not cut?
She wanted very short hair!