Thursday, September 29, 2016

ECA Outdoor Play

Hello Everyone,

We have been having lots of outdoor games over the last few weeks.

Hopscotch, hop races, parachute games, letters hunts and more. This week we played skittles and although some of us found it hard, we all had a great time.

Here are a few pictures of what we were up too:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spaceship fun!

Alien craft ideas for children could be anything which you can imagine or create on your own. As aliens are imagination of human beings, you can also think of any figure and start making alien craft ideas. The children couldn't wait to get started. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Pizza making is fun!

This week, we loved Peppa pigs trip to Italy so we decided to make some pizza of our own!

The kids had a lot of fun painting paper plates with 'tomato sauce' then adding on various ingredients. Through this activity, the kids learnt several new words - basil leaves, mushrooms, pepperoni, dough, and sprinkle.

Have a look at our yummy pizzas!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Baa Baa Baa Sheep.

We had so much fun making our sheep in our Arts and Crafts class. 

Not only was it a great sensory experience, the students were communicating throughout the whole process and the smiles says it all.

Monday, September 19, 2016

'T' is for 'Tigger'!

Today, we made 'Tigger' from Whinnie the Pooh. It was a lot of fun!! We had a chat about what colour a tiger is, and what the black things are called: 'stripes'. Then we made a tiger's face. Some kids struggled with the mouth, but this is a project we can repeat in Term 2 to see progress.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Piggy bank and sensory fun!

We finished our Piggy crafts and ended the lesson with some sensory fun.

Every week I choose two students to each give me a colour. We then mix the two colours together to see what colour they would make. This week our colours were chosen by Dinn and Lucas and we ended up mixing red and blue. We had a debate about the end result, some said deep purple and some said black. I love the enthusiasm when they see the final colour. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Peppa Pig!

We had a great ECA making Peppa pig. The kids learnt that 'p' is for pig. They talked about the colour of a pig and what their facial features look like. Then we collaged a paper plate and added the face parts - they loved pretending to be a pig after! Some made 'daddy pig' while the rest wanted to stick to 'Peppa'.