Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Story Book Art May 29

Welcome back everyone!

I hope everyone had a great Songkran holiday is feeling relaxed and refreshed for term 3.

On Monday we made jellyfish and cut our own strips of paper. The children watched Octonauts and learned about sea urchins and jelly fish. They really enjoyed seeing the different types of jellies that are out in the seas and oceans.

Making a happy jelly.

We are proud of our work!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Role play and Dance April 24th

This week in ECA the children enjoyed creating a variety of sweets such as cakes, Popsicle, cupcakes cookies and more. The pretending to have their own shop and went around selling their sweets to their friends. Take a look at some of the pictures. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Story Book Art March31

For story book art we talked about April and it being Earth month. We talked about how we need to recycle, save water and electricity and take care of our planet.
The children made their own earth and collaged on the land.

Watching Captain Planet.

Painting the seas and ocean.