Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Song and Dance ECA       - April 27th 2016

We've been having a great time singing and dancing together in this active ECA. We have sang songs such as "We all go traveling by", "Rain Rain Go away" " There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" and "A Ram Sam Sam".  We are currently working on dances to "Down in the Jungle" and "The chicken Song". Everyone also enjoys the free dance time to express themselves and let out all their extra energy before cool down time.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Charlie and Lola!

This week, we made puppet characters from the popular Charlie and Lola cartoon.

First, the kids observed the physical characteristics of the two - hair colour, height, skin colour etc.

Then, they coloured in and pasted various materials to make the characters.

Finally, they put it all together and taped them onto Popsicle sticks to make puppets!

The kids had a lot of fun building houses (using blocks) for Charlie and Lola and role playing stories.

Circle Print Art

We soon set to work, using cardboard rolls to make our circles. The children traced as many circles as they could, being creative and carefully placing their circles where they wanted them. I encouraged them to overlap some circles to allow for more patterns. Circle Print Art is a simple concept using everyday items and a little imagination to create something very special and super funky!

Once they were happy with the placement, the colouring began. The children  completely immersed themselves into printing; carefully layering the prints and colours.