Monday, February 29, 2016

control control control...

Welcome back! 

This week, the kids of fine motor ECA practiced control by first doing a ball throwing/catching game - they had to catch the ball, introduce themselves, say what their favourite colour was and then throw the ball at a friend. This was a great exercise for their speaking/confidence as well. 

We then practiced writing names as most of the kids are able to do this now - the others practiced copying their names. Then the fun part was pasting sequins (over their names) using cottton buds and glue. This exercise takes a lot of control and patience and I was really impressed with how well the kids did!

Miniature beach and Hot Air Balloons!

We started with our miniature beach craft. We had to make salt dough to start as a base for our sand portion. 
After we molded our beach, we decorated it with sand and now we will have to wait 7 days for it to dry before we continue with our craft.

We then started working on our Hot Air Balloons. The children were really eager to choose their colours and already had ideas for the upcoming flight. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine crafts!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we did a lot of heart fine motor crafts. The kids were allowed to choose between yarn wrapping and cutting hearts.

By Yarn wrapping, the kids are developing the ability to move their hands around with control. By cutting, the kids are developing their hand-eye coordination.

Have a look at the pictures and what they made!

We finished our Dinosaur eggs!

The children were very excited about it.

Once we finished our eggs, we started on another abstract project.

I love looking at abstract art with young children for many reasons:
  • Abstract art takes the pressure of the need to make a picture of something. Abstract art is more about the shapes and colors and the feelings it expresses, not about the accurate portrayal of a subject.
  • Abstract art also encourages discussion about colors, shapes, and lines which are concepts young children are learning.
  • Abstract art is interpreted different by everyone who sees it. The language, conversations, and ideas expressed are rich and interesting.
  • Abstract art is something young children can make.