Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fun Science pt 1

 We started off our science class by talking about what science is. We thought about how we explore the world around us using our different senses. We began the  first part of our five senses theme by looking at the sense of Touch. The class were asked to use only their hands to feel around in the paper bags and guess what was inside. They enjoyed touching and squeezing the objects and there were some fairly accurate guesses. We used words like "slippery" "hard" "soft" "smooth" "powdery" and "fluffy" to describe the textures. The items were :- sand, pebbles, feathers, flour, cooked spaghetti, glue and ice. Noodles was the easiest to recognise but no-one could work out what the bag of feathers were!

  Caiou taking a sneaky peek at the flour!

After we had finished guessing the class suggested we add all the ingredients and mix them together, a sort of experiment in texture!

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